{{Singing to the tune of Carly Simon’s, “You’re So Vain.” I recommend listening to this song while you read this blog entry today.}}”You walked into this blog like you were walking into TV. And you probably think this blog is about you, don’t you” … Kansas City Royals? Well, it could be about you, sports history makers, but it’s actually about royalty, as in British royalty. Regardless, any time “royalty” makes news, it’s an instant news hook you can use to pitch your expertise, stories, sound bites, sources and research stats to news-makers to generate media coverage on stories about you … you probably think this blog is about you, don’t you? Well, it is. And royalty.

Let’s see which royalty is in the news today so you can get your 15 minutes of fame, too:

Whew, that last one reminds me of Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on first?”

I was featured in a news story about royalty. A couple in fact. Take these examples for your own media pitching. You can provide expertise in your industry and comment on royalty behavior, like I did here on CNN Money.

Our favorite “royalty” story though is when my business partner, Drew Gerber and I had our “rrrroyal” dogs married for charity. It was covered by local TV.

Being rrroyal is rrruff.